On Nov 04, 2020 CTS recovered three sisters (young girls) from the illegal custody of the Muslims through the Habeas Petition in the Session’s Court Lahore. Poor parents are bound to work in the brick factory on low wages. The girls started work three years ago as house maid in Lahore and kept in the custody forcefully, made for work and didn’t allow visiting their parents for three years. During the period they were forced by all means to convert in to Islam. After recovery the girls has been accommodated at Christians’ True Spirit – Shelter for their well-being and security, since they are on a continue life threats.
Nazir Masih and Samina Bibi resident of village Shamki Bhatiya, Sundar Lahore are bounded labor. They are blessed with six children (3 daughters) (3 sons) named Rimshah Nazir aged 18, Ayesha Nazir aged 16, Nishah Nazir aged 14, Noman Nazir aged 13, Lukman Nazir aged 12 and Usman Nazir aged 11and due to the low wages the couple hardly manage the food and other basic needs of their children. In the year 2018 Nazir Masih got sick and unable to do work in the bricks factory.
Due to his sickness, he took loan from the factory owner for his medical treatment. Meanwhile Nazir Masih and Samina been suggested by a relative to send their daughters to work for earning and to support the family as well as father’s medical expenses. Because of the need and tough time, the poor parents become agreed to send their daughters Rimshah, Ayesha and Nishah for work as house maid at Johar Town Lahore and that time their ages 16, 14 and 12 are reported. The girls were sent to bungalow to work for a Muslim family at three different places in the same family.
The monthly salary of Rimshah Rs.9,000 (nine thousand rupees), Ayesha Rs.8,000 (eight thousand rupees) and Nishah Rs.7,000 (seven thousand rupees) was decided to pay in cash every month. In 2019 Nazir Masih took a loan of Rs.50,000 (fifty thousand rupees) for his daughter’s work and the same was paid already in installments from their monthly salary.
Facts of the case:
The girls worked for 2 years, and during the period they were not allow to see their parents and even they could not see each other while living in the same locality. Their father Nazir Masih only come to collect salary every month but each time they made a lame excuses and did not allow his meeting with daughters. They were suggested to embrace Islam for good life and for the permanent living with the Muslim family. They were beaten and forced to recite the Kalma (declaration of faith) but the girls were not willing to embrace Islam. The owner pressurized the girls and threatened them for consequences if they are not willing to embrace Islam.
In October 2020, Nazir Masih came to collect the salary of his daughters and also inquired about his daughters and showed his concern of meeting. The owner sympathetically honored the feelings of father but again excused him and suggested for the meeting next time. Meanwhile he again asked the girls for conversion to Islam also informed them about a theft case in the police station Satokatla, Lahore. After a week when Nazir Masih again comes to visit his daughters, he was informed that his daughter Ayesha is missing. They also accused her for steeling gold ornaments and that they have reported in the police station already. Nazir Masih become shocked and inquired about his daughters Rimshah and Nishah. He also asked them to check the CCTV cameras to see when his daughter robbed the gold items and when she was absconded.
Nazir Masih and his wife Samina Bibi approached CTS on October 28, 2020 and requested for legal assistance for the safe recovery of the girls. On November 02, 2020 CTS legal advisor Mr. Nadeem Hassan Advocate High Court recovered the girls Rimshah Nazir, Ayesha Nazir and Nishah Nazir through the habeas petition in the session’s court Lahore. On November 04, 2020 the concerned court has given the custody of girls to their parents. Due to the open life threats by the Muslims and threat of kidnapping the girls, the parents got afraid and requested CTS for the protection. Therefore the girls along with their mother and two younger brothers have been accommodated at CTS shelter for safety and rehabilitation. The girls have been facing serious pressure and life threats while they were in the custody, forced to convert in to Islam and made for work against their will.
Reported by,
Katherine Sapna
Executive Director
Christians’ True Spirit – CTS